Recreation area associations in Finland

Finland has nine provincial associations for recreation area activities, all of which exist to safeguard and develop the area and its free access to recreation and camping opportunities, as well as to take care of the natural landscape and unique character of their province. In order to promote recreational use, these associations purchase or lease areas, or acquire usage rights, and attend to their care and construction.

Many destinations and activities

Recreation area associations maintain hundreds of stunning natural attractions in the archipelago, inland waters, and mainland forests. At our locations, you can, for example, go boating, canoeing, fishing, or hiking, spend the night in a lean-to or separately bookable cabin, take a sauna, or have a swim. The minimum provision at most locations is a simple shelter/fireplace and a toilet. Companies operating near recreational areas offer visitors such services as accommodation, catering, or activities organised around recreational area use. You will find information about the programs offered at individual recreation areas on the website of each association, where you can select your destination from a map. You can also search for the desired program of activity from the destination search page on this website.

Right of public access

Nordic rights of public access to the wilderness are unique in the world. They permit hiking and free movement in the countryside, and the recreational use of the environment, on a completely different scale from the rest of the world. Freedom of movement, however, brings responsibility. This means that campfires are permitted only in designated areas, taking the risk of forest fire into account, while longer-term camping is prohibited and pets must be supervised and if necessary kept on a leash. In addition, while in recreation areas you must ensure that you collect your own waste and avoid causing harm to trees, animals or vegetation. On the other hand, you can enjoy picking berries and mushrooms, as well as ice fishing and angling outside national park areas. Please remember hiking etiquette so that others can enjoy a clean and safe environment.
Familiarise yourself with the right of public access. Full information about rights of access to the wilderness can be found here.